Turkey Calls
Turkey calls come in many styles. In days of past, turkey calls were even made from the hollow turkey bones. Today, there are a vast variety of box calls, - both wood and synthetic - mouth reeds, calls made from slate, glass, aluminium or a combination of all, synthetic and gun-stock mountable calls.
Each has its purpose and strength. They are made to immitate both male and female as well as young and old. The secret is to learn which type of call to use for each particular situation. Also, one must become proficient in the use of each in order to properly immitate the intended bird.
It will be learnt very quickly that these birds are worlds more savy than their domestic cousins. These birds have excellent hearing and sight. They pick up on un-natural situations very quickly!
How to Talk Turkey
The following links further describe numerous types of calls which exist today. All have their followers and are effective when their use is mastered. It is suggested that you try to master a few different types, as you'll find each one has its strong points. Even learning some of the predator calls comes in handy, as a gobbler will often "shock gobble" at the intruder. This is useful in locating a tom; hence, the name Locator Call.
Box Calls - shaped like a small, rectangular box and built from different woods.
Mouth Diaphram Calls - thin latex reeds or similar material usually crimped into a small aluminium frame.
Friction Calls - push/pull box friction call.
Pot Calls - friction calls made of materials glued into a pot and struck with a peg.
Tube Calls - small, round and hollow calls fitted with lateex or silicone reeds.
Wingbone Calls - made from the wingbone of a turkey.
Gobbler Calls - a few specifically designed to imitate a tom.
Locator Calls - used to help locate turkeys when they answer.
A few Do's & Don'ts - or you don't have to be a turkey to call out a turkey.
And last, but not least, your own ability to be the "Rich Little of the Turkey Kingdom". If you are talented enough to be able to naturally imitate the call of the different turkey's, by all means, have at it. I am not blessed in that area, but a soon-to-be nephew-in-law excells at this.
In order to fine-tune your calls, what better teacher than the turkey her/himself. There are a number of fine audio and video cassettes and CD/DVD's out which have live recordings of all the different calls. Master these and you will soon be enjoying one of the finest meals there is.
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